
Dangerous Dust Bunnies: How to Avoid Flame Retardants

Dangerous Dust Bunnies:
How to Avoid Flame Retardants

by guest blogger Robin Dodson. Did you know that consumer products like furniture, textiles, and electronics often contain chemical flame retardants, and that these chemicals can come out of the products into household dust and the environment, where people are exposed to them?

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Happy 25th Anniversary, Social Venture Network!

Happy 25th Anniversary,
Social Venture Network!

Twenty-five years ago my Dad was still alive and the world felt like a different place, even though it wasn’t. Twenty-five years ago, he took me with him to a conference at which he was a speaker. It was the first Social Venture Network conference (SVN). And thanks to my Dad, I was there. What SVN showed me over the 25 intervening years of watching businesses and people grow, and succeed, some failing, some dying, but all leaving a good mark on the earth, was that IT IS POSSIBLE. Anything was and is possible. So it is fitting that I am bringing my daughter this year to the 25th anniversary conference.

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Still Undecided…about Climate Change?

Still Undecided…about Climate Change?

by guest blogger Wendy Gordon. I doubt anyone is still undecided about climate change. In fact, among voters who just a few weeks ago were undecided about which presidential candidate to vote for today, 80 percent believe that global warming is happening and 83 percent want the U.S. to use more renewable energy (solar, wind, and geothermal). Extreme weather is no joke and more of our politicians need to come to grips with this new reality.

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On Sandy and Leadership

On Sandy and Leadership

This is my first blog post since Sandy swept through and my last blog post before the election on Tuesday…so I have some stuff to say. Let’s face it, we had a rough week. I am massively grateful that everyone I know and love is present and accounted for, and power has finally been restored to both my home and my business. At the same time, I feel like things will never be quite the same. Actually, I am hoping things are never quite the same.

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Better Bacon

Better Bacon

by guest blogger Coach Mark Smallwood. We do love our bacon. When the rumor of an “unavoidable bacon shortage” hit the airways late last month, American citizens went what can only be described as hog wild. There isn’t really a bacon shortage, but the cost of pork will most certainly be rising globally in 2013. But two small changes to how we look at production and consumption could make a big difference in our food future.

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Polluting our Backyard to Feed China

Polluting our Backyard to Feed China

By guest blogger Andrew Gunther. As our domestic demand for intensively produced meat continues to drop dramatically, we are about to let the meat industry continue to pollute our environment and make our families sick in order to profit from China’s appetite for meat. And the meat industry’s clever marketing hides the fact that the real cost of the meat we eat is extraordinarily high when we account for its environmental costs and its costs to human health and animal welfare.

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A New Weapon in the Fight against Fracking

A New Weapon in the Fight against Fracking

by guest blogger Maya K. van Rossum. Across the nation, communities are getting active and taking actions that are successfully protecting them from fracking. The key is to take the unsettling things we know about the harms of fracking and to use them to strengthen our resolve and help embolden ourselves and our communities into action. So here’s a new piece of knowledge to help in that endeavor.

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What's Good for Your Health Is Good for the Planet!

What’s Good for Your Health
Is Good for the Planet!

We are in a constant cycle of exchange between nature and our bodies—the air we breathe in and out, the food we eat and expel, the products we put on our skin and surround ourselves with and then dispose of, the medicines we take, which then permeate our bodies and leave our bodies, as well. We now know that there is an impact on everything, between everything. It’s science, physics (especially!), and medicine. It’s also philosophy.

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