#EarthGratitude Wave 2016: 10 Ways to Show Your Love for the Earth

Earth Gratitude Wave 2016

What I love about Earth Day is that not only is it a herald of true spring and summer, but it’s also a reminder of how we should be treating the earth every day. It’s like Mother’s day: Moms are awesome, but they often aren’t appreciated as much as they should be until their special day comes around. I’m not talking about my kids here! My kids are awesome and appreciate me a lot. But maybe it’s because we all appreciate the earth year-round, too. Appreciation is a powerful thing—and so simple.

But in case you’re searching for ways to show the planet your gratitude this Earth Day, here is my fun and easy list of ideas:

  1. Pick up trash. Even if it’s just one piece. Besides, it’s good exercise…all that squatting and bending.
  2. Plant something. Anything. If you don’t have room for a tree, plant a container with parsley in it. You will be amazed at how often you use it and how delicious it is all summer long. Plus, on those roots and in that soil all sorts of good things are growing and thriving and storing carbon.
  3. Meditate outside. Sit on the ground or on a rock and take 10 minutes just to be still, listen, and say thanks to the earth.
  4. Eat real food. That is, food that comes straight from nature. Cook it. Put some butter on it. Enjoy it. Share it.
  5. Visit a park you’ve never visited before. Parks are such treasures, and there are so many big, small, hidden, or even famous ones that each of us has yet to explore. Every summer, I decide on one park I’ve never been to before and then I find it. I’m always pleasantly surprised and happy.
  6. Buy something organic. It could be food, clothes, a personal care item, or even candy. Every organic thing you buy contributes to making the earth cleaner, healthier, and more resilient. And since you live on the earth, that affects you, too.
  7. Volunteer somewhere. The act of helping others helps you and the planet, too. Plus, it just feels good.
  8. Use social media to share the positive. Commit—even if it’s just for one day—to only sharing happy, wonderful things. It’s contagious! Join in the #EarthGratitude Wave by sharing your appreciation with photos of what you’re grateful for on this earth with the hashtag #EarthGratitude.EGW_v_2
  9. Go for a walk. Go anywhere. And if you are so lucky, hold someone’s hand.
  10. Imagine. Imagine what the world would look like if EVERYONE appreciated the earth every day. Imagine what the world would feel like if peace, love, and happiness were everyone’s religion. Imagine the future filled with abundance, joy, and enough for everyone. It’s possible. But only if we can imagine and dream it.

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One Response to #EarthGratitude Wave 2016: 10 Ways to Show Your Love for the Earth

  1. Roger Pritiken April 23, 2016 at 10:18 pm #

    All of these things I also try to do every week. however planting in the winter is hard to do where I live bu Do scatter seeds to see if they pop up in the spring. I also dothis at friends homes and at work. It makes me happy and more connected to the earth, and myself.

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