Tag Archives | design

Holiday Craft: Decorating with Repurposed Jars

Holiday Craft: Decorating with Repurposed Jars

  by guest blogger Mark Kintzel, designer As I was cleaning my fridge one wintry day, I discovered a mass of spoiled olives, jellies, and other suspicious matter in jars. After emptying and cleaning the jars up, and because I like to recycle in creative ways, I made them into holiday jars filled with pine-scented […]

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Phone Book Pumpkins

Phone Book Pumpkins

by guest blogger, designer Mark Kintzel Every year, I receive at least two or three phone books. Seriously, who uses those anymore? They magically appear on my doorstep and ultimately wind up littered throughout the neighborhood. Despite my griping, I decided to hang on to a few for a special, inspired fall craft project. This […]

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