5 Tips for Surviving Winter

by guest blogger Maya Rodale, writer of historical tales of true love and adventure.

I’ve always been one of those “ugh, winter” people, but last year didn’t seem so terrible—in spite frigid temperatures and snow and slush—because I finally figured out how to make it work for me. Look, it’s not my favorite season, but it doesn’t have to be a long, dark, frigid slog. Here are my tips for surviving winter:

Surrender to the season. There will be bone-chilling cold, beautiful blizzards, and the wretched wintry mix. Weather will be inconvenient. Skies will be grey. We’ll all get really sick of potatoes, apples, and the stuff in the freezer. I’ll wager on it. I’ll also wager on this: Dreading these things only makes them worse. Accept that they will happen and…

Find the great stuff about the season, and indulge! For me, it’s cross-country skiing, ice-skating, hot chocolate with homemade whipped cream, and hot baths.

Dress appropriately. I can just hear my mother groaning now, after all those bitter fights over hats and warm coats. Last year, I bought a waterproof, quilted coat. I got proper boots so my feet stayed warm and dry. I got a hat and gloves. I wore leggings under my jeans and thick, fluffy sweaters. I was a much happier camper.

Enjoy winter food. Thick stews, freshly baked pies (I love this pumpkin pie), and a Sunday roast—stuff that’s been cooking low and slow all day, if only so the oven will heat up the house. There is good eating to be done in winter.

Plan a tropical vacation. If you can afford it, actually go on said tropical vacation. A massive midwinter jolt of heat and sunshine is massively uplifting. But studies have shown the most benefit and pleasure from vacations is from the planning and anticipation of the trip. I’ve got Fodor’s Caribbean 2012, with full-color pictures, on my bedside table.

What are your favorite things about winter?

Maya Rodale is the author of numerous historical romance novels. She lives in New York City with a rogue of her own and their dog, Penelope. Find her on FacebookTwitter, or at www.mayarodale.com.

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4 Responses to 5 Tips for Surviving Winter

  1. Holly December 23, 2011 at 6:15 am #

    And practice backbends…they open the front of the body, which is huddled closed, against the cold, bitter temps, and let in the light!

  2. Nikki December 23, 2011 at 8:14 am #

    Feeding the birds. I don’t know if it’s because it’s proof that there is still life out there, or if it’s because I’m helping other creatures in need, but filling my bird feeder gives me great pleasure.

  3. Steve M December 23, 2011 at 11:50 am #

    I do this when on a ski trip sitting on a stalled chair lift or winter camping – think bikinis! Picturing a hot sandy beach with waves crashing and appropriately attired people warms me up pretty quickly. Girls – substitute your own image…

  4. Amy Pearson January 27, 2012 at 12:44 am #

    Eating organic food is a great step towards a healthy lifestyle. Unfortunately, many organic fruits and vegetables are a bit more costly. To combat the increased cost, and to ensure that the food you are eating is 100% organic, you may want to start your own organic garden and can your own food for the winter.

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