Tag Archives | change

What Happens When You Stop Fighting Change

What Happens When You Stop Fighting Change

It’s cliché but true: The only constant is change. Look at nature. It’s never still. Even rocks, given geological time, move. Or look at kids. One minute they are cute babies, the next they are cute but challenging toddlers, and so on. The rule applies to us all: A glance in the mirror reminds us […]

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The Only Thing You Can Really Change Is Yourself

The Only Thing You Can Really Change Is Yourself

“You can’t change other people; you can only change yourself” is one of those lessons I’ve had to learn over and over again. And then sometimes I forget it and have to learn it again. You don’t get very far in a family business, for example, without learning this lesson. I am very thankful that […]

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The Power and Persistence to Create Change

The Power and Persistence to Create Change

  While today we celebrate Marin Luther King Jr., and the change in the world he helped create, sometimes I can’t help but feel depressed about how long the change process takes. More so than a salmon who swims upstream (who at least gets to mate at the end of the swim), our efforts to […]

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Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, and the State of Change

Steve Jobs, Barack Obama, and the State of Change

On Wednesday, I watched two big speeches. On Huffingtonpost.com—along with about 800,000 other people (you could see the number of people watching it change in real time)—I saw a blurry Steve Jobs unveil Apple’s latest creation, the iPad, thanks to some guy holding up an iPhone to record the event. The video quality was spotty. […]

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