Tag Archives | chemical agriculture

Reform the Farm Bill

Reform the Farm Bill

by guest blogger, Susan Prolman. This week, the full Senate is working through the Farm Bill. The Farm Bill spends $1 trillion over 10 years and sets food and agriculture policy for our nation. The bill’s title is the Agriculture Reform, Food and Jobs Act of 2012, but how much reform does it really contain?

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Rebuilding the Good Food Supply by Supporting New Farmers

Rebuilding the Good Food Supply by Supporting New Farmers

By Susan Prolman, executive director of the National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition (NSAC) I’m often asked questions about the food system, the Farm Bill, and the future of organic food. As we look toward the 2012 Farm Bill, here is a breakdown of what I am talking about most: Are we doing enough to increase demand […]

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Does Climate Change Exist, and Does It Even Matter?

Does Climate Change Exist, and Does It Even Matter?

It amazes me, really, how many different views there can be on any one subject. Whether it’s religion, the best-tasting tomato variety, or the right way to cook a chicken, disagreement is de rigueur. The urge to find disagreements about things is, I believe, human nature. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that climate change is […]

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Is Our Sexuality (and our Future) at Stake?

Is Our Sexuality (and our Future) at Stake?

There are certain things I didn’t dwell on too much in my new book, Organic Manifesto—partly because I didn’t have quite enough evidence, and partly because they’re so uncomfortable to think and talk about that I didn’t want to overwhelm people. But as with last week’s entry about nitrogen, since my book went to press […]

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Artificial Chemical Nitrogen Exposed as the Criminal It Really Is

Artificial Chemical Nitrogen Exposed as the Criminal It Really Is

I know an article is really important if it gets emailed to me by more than one person. A recent article that appeared on Grist.org was sent to me many times by many people, and I must share it with you and explain its significance. In Organic Manifesto, I talk a lot about how chemical […]

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Growing Evidence that Chemical Agriculture is Killing Us

Growing Evidence that Chemical Agriculture is Killing Us

In my new book, Organic Manifesto, I show lots of evidence that agricultural chemicals are actually exterminating us, and are a major cause of many of our biggest health problems—cancer, diabetes, Parkinson’s disease, obesity, autism, and ADHD. In just the few short months since I wrote the book and sent it off to the printer, […]

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