Tag Archives | farm to school

4 Ways to Support Farm-to-School Policies

4 Ways to Support Farm-to-School Policies

by Chelsey Simpson, communications manager for the National Farm to School Network Tomorrow marks the beginning of National Farm to School Month. For the next 31 days, schools across the country will celebrate the local products in their lunch offerings, the gardens in their schoolyards, and the food and agriculture education offered in their classrooms. […]

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How to Be a STAR Teacher

How to Be a STAR Teacher

by Chelsey Simpson, communications manager for the National Farm to School Network As students across the country return to school, many will encounter “classrooms” with rows of garden beds instead of rows of desks. An increasing number of innovative educators are turning to hands-on, food- and agriculture-based education activities to teach everything from math and […]

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Kids Can Make Healthy Food Choices: Education Is Key

Kids Can Make Healthy Food Choices: Education Is Key

by Anupama Joshi, executive director and cofounder of the National Farm to School Network While politicians in Washington debate implementation of school nutrition standards, the next generation’s leaders are sitting in a school cafeteria deciding whether or not broccoli salad is “gross.” In both cases, the stakes are high. A 2012 study by the Trust […]

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Why Farm to School Will Save  Our Food System

Why Farm to School Will Save
Our Food System

by Chelsey Simpson, communications associate for the National Farm to School Network For those of us interested in food system reform, there are now (thankfully!) hundreds of worthy organizations and causes competing for our time and resources. Should you volunteer to help launch a new CSA in your community? What about donating to a campaign […]

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