Tag Archives | fracking

Join the March for a Clean Energy Revolution

Join the March for a Clean Energy Revolution

by guest blogger Maya K. van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper More than 40 years ago, the urgent dangers of man-made climate change became apparent. We’ve spent much of the ensuing years overcoming the misinformation of hired guns paid by fossil fuel companies, who dismiss this massive threat to our civilization. We don’t have another 40 years […]

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Defending Our Earth…and Our Rights

Defending Our Earth…and Our Rights

by guest blogger Maya K. van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper Forty-five years ago, communities around the nation marched to defend the earth. They brought banners, signs, chants, and a realization that environmental degradation damages every aspect of our lives. When we pollute the water, the air, and the land, people suffer—their health is affected, their recreational […]

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How Pennsylvanians Took a Stand for a Healthy Environment

How Pennsylvanians Took a Stand for a Healthy Environment

by guest blogger Maya K. van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper Rights to pure water, clean air, and a healthy environment have been vindicated twice in Pennsylvania in this past week alone. Pennsylvania’s recent election of state Supreme Court justices who recognize the importance of honoring all the state’s constitutional provisions, including its environmental rights amendment, was […]

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4 Environmental Questions You Should Ask Politicians Today

4 Environmental Questions You Should Ask Politicians Today

by guest blogger Maya K. van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper Across the nation, communities are standing up for their rights to pure water, clean air, and a healthy environment. People are banding together to champion for: Their right to have safe drinking water in their homes that is free from contamination. Their right to shower safely […]

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5 Essential Steps to Clean Water for Everyone

5 Essential Steps to Clean Water for Everyone

According to data from the Beverage Marketing Corporation (a market research firm), bottled water will outsell soda in America in approximately two years. I can hear the sound of environmentalists shrieking (“Just drink tap!”), health proponents clapping (“Finally, people are choosing water over sugary drinks!”), and giant water companies quietly panicking (“Oh, crap! Where are […]

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Protecting Our Rights to Pure Water, Clean Air, and a Healthy Environment

Protecting Our Rights to Pure Water, Clean Air, and a Healthy Environment

  by guest blogger Maya K. van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper Bernie Sanders, what is your position on ensuring people have a right to get a healthy glass of water out of their household faucet, one free of industry contamination and toxins? Hilary Clinton, do you agree children have a right to a healthy breath of […]

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Why All States Should All Have a New York State of Mind

Why All States Should All Have a New York State of Mind

  Photo by Adam Welz/CREDO/Flickr, licensed under CC 2.0 by guest blogger Maya K. van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper Where were you when New York banned fracking? December 17, 2014, has now joined the list of “where were you when” moments for everyone involved in the fight to end fracking in the U.S. Based on an […]

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A Surprising Way to Help Farmers in 2015

A Surprising Way to Help Farmers in 2015

by Leah Zerbe, online editor for RodaleNews.com Lately, I’ve been noticing a new kind of stress on the faces of fellow family farmers in my area. The worried eyes and furrowed brows aren’t the result of low crop yields, predator pressure, high feed prices, or even damaging storms. Those sorts of farming setbacks, while devastating, […]

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