Tag Archives | France

The Grand Tour: The Loire Valley

The Grand Tour: The Loire Valley

The final stop of The Grand Tour of 2015: The Loire Valley in central France. The house where Leonardo da Vinci died. Gelato like a rose! Some of their flavors were organic. The castle where Catherine de’ Medici lived. Blue doors at a duck farm. The gardens at The Château de Villandry. An incredible organic […]

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The Grand Tour: Paris

The Grand Tour: Paris

The Grand Tour continues… Hello, Paris! Best salad of the whole trip, enjoyed at Hotel Le Meurice, Paris. The Eiffel Tower! Never enough Eiffel Tower. One must simply take a boat ride in Paris! Walking the dogs. The closest we got to Notre Dame. At BHV they still sell buttons. Melons are a big thing […]

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The Grand Tour of 2015

The Grand Tour of 2015

In the old days (1660 to 1840), affluent young men were known to go on a “grand tour” to complete their education. Today, the tradition continues when we send our kids off to somewhere foreign for a “semester abroad.” The truth is, if you can afford it (and even when you can’t), seeing the world […]

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