Tag Archives | global warming

Ten Ways I Embrace the Reality of Global Warming

Ten Ways I Embrace the Reality of Global Warming

I don’t know if you all noticed, but a) it’s summer, b) there’s a heat wave, and c) there’s a drought. I saw a headline that said all this extreme weather is making people finally believe in global warming. I’m not sure if that’s true, but I am doing what I can to do my part in keeping the planet healthy. Here is my list of 10 things I do to help the planet.

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Does Climate Change Exist, and Does It Even Matter?

Does Climate Change Exist, and Does It Even Matter?

It amazes me, really, how many different views there can be on any one subject. Whether it’s religion, the best-tasting tomato variety, or the right way to cook a chicken, disagreement is de rigueur. The urge to find disagreements about things is, I believe, human nature. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that climate change is […]

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Many Solutions But Just One Choice: Al Gore Launches his New Book

Many Solutions But Just One Choice: Al Gore Launches his New Book

Last night was a big night for me. I got to eat my first Shake Shack Burger, purportedly the best burger in Manhattan (if not the world?). It was pretty damn good. Normally I would never eat a burger if it weren’t organic. But restaurateur Danny Meyer seems to know how to handle good food, […]

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