Tag Archives | Maria Rodale

A Road Map to the Future

A Road Map to the Future

Fire, Pestilence (Pandemic), Climate Chaos, the Economy, The Post Office and the Truth

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Eat The Whole Damn Egg!

Eat The Whole Damn Egg!

I’ve often said if nature made an egg with a white and a yellow, there was probably a good reason and you should not be afraid to eat the whole thing. But still, people in search of a “perfect” body or those who feel guilty about something else they ate either avoid eggs altogether because […]

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Prevention Magazine and the New (Print) Health Revolution

Prevention Magazine and the New (Print) Health Revolution

The print magazine industry is having a health crisis. Amidst a culture of rampant free content, publishers have cut deals for advertisers and agencies to match the downward spiral of digital prices. Costs are going up everywhere as everyone wants to grow and earn more money, yet this culture of discounting rewards everyone for paying […]

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Presenting the Rodale's Ultimate Organic Experience

Presenting the Rodale’s Ultimate Organic Experience

by the Rodale’s team We at Rodale Inc. love trying new things—from new recipes and new running shoes to new organic cleansers. But what we really love is new ideas. Lately, we’ve been putting a lot of new ideas out into the world. Runner’s World just launched its new Runner’s World Go fitness and training […]

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Coming Soon: Rodale’s Organic Life

Coming Soon: Rodale’s Organic Life

Dearest Reader, When Organic Farming and Gardening magazine was launched in May 1942, the global chemical revolution was just beginning to claim conventional agriculture as its own. Only a few voices warned of the dangers—to our health, to our environment, and to our future. J.I. Rodale, the founder of the American organic movement and Organic […]

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The Top 5 Business Books I Read This Year

The Top 5 Business Books I Read This Year

  I don’t usually read a lot of business books. My primary reading time is right before bed, and reading books about business right before going to sleep not only doesn’t feel right, but it also leads to unnecessary weird dreams. So my situation of choice for reading business books is strapped in to an […]

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5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Woman of Action

5 Easy Steps to Becoming a Woman of Action

My ex-husband once called me a “woman of action.” It was not a compliment. Some people like to change their minds a lot. Some people like to get things done. I like to get things done, even if that means ruffling a few feathers, making big life changes, moving furniture, or taking a stand that […]

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What It Means to Be a Leader, 11 Tips

What It Means to Be a Leader, 11 Tips

I don’t often write about the business side of my life on this blog. Maybe it’s because when I grew up, business and the kitchen were one and the same, and I’ve wanted to separate them a bit. I used to wish for a lifestyle in which home was home, business was business. But the […]

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