Tag Archives | plants

Why I Love Terrain (at Styer's)

Why I Love Terrain (at Styer’s)

The pulse-quickening thrill of going to a good plant nursery and garden shop is probably equivalent to a guy going to the Superbowl when his favorite team is playing. Well, of all the nurseries I’ve been to, Terrain at Styer’s is my favorite.

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Back to the Nursery…It's Planting Time!

Back to the Nursery…It’s Planting Time!

It’s only early April, but global warming has given me a serious case of spring fever. It started last week when I knew I was going to give a speech to the Pennsylvania Land Conservation Association, about 10 minutes away from my favorite nursery, Waterloo Gardens, in Exton, PA. The speech was Friday night, so […]

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