Tag Archives | Publishing Industry

Defining Popular—Not What You Think It Means

Defining Popular—Not What You Think It Means

by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger Today’s vocab words: popular as in “popular” author: untalented as in “popular” fiction: talentless as in “pop” icon: super talented! and literary as in “literary” author: brilliant as in “literary” fiction: brilliantly crafted storytelling. Stepping away from my typical brooding and introspection—such as it is—about my own […]

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Out on a Limb...

Out on a Limb…

Dear Readers, For many years I was concerned about the fate of the publishing world, given the rise of digital media in all of our lives. And my concerns were well grounded, as I was reminded when, this past weekend in Maine, the front page of the Sunday newspaper announced the closing of pulp and […]

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