Tag Archives | snow

12 Days of Winter Meditations: Day 3

12 Days of Winter Meditations: Day 3

Snow: Silence No matter where you live, winter is generally epitomized by snow. For those of us lucky enough to experience snow, we know that it brings an eerie quiet. There is no pounding rain, no stinging pebbles of ice hitting the ground. Instead, it’s soft and quiet and makes the whole world seem to […]

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Why I Love a Good Snowstorm

Why I Love a Good Snowstorm

They called for three inches, but as I write this we’re easily up to five inches and it’s still snowing. Our driveway isn’t plowed, but that’s OK because we are in for the night, and I am so thankful for the grace of a good snowstorm. In case you were wondering, I’ve been working really […]

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