Organic Issues

Just Label It! So We Know When It's GMO

Just Label It!
So We Know When It’s GMO

We have a right to know which foods contain GMOs and which do not. If GMO foods are safe and there’s truly nothing for us to worry about, then seed and chemical companies should freely allow studies to be done so that food companies can confidently label their products.

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Organic or Local? I Say Transparent

Organic or Local? I Say Transparent

by guest blogger Alberto Gonzalez. “Local” and “organic” are words used to describe healthier food options right now, I think that “transparent” would be a more appropriate word to describe the food we want to buy. Here’s why

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Atrazine and Infertility: A Long Chain Connected to the Hearts of Women

Atrazine and Infertility: A Long Chain
Connected to the Hearts of Women

Even if you are only eating organic, atrazine could still be polluting your water, and recent studies show that atrazine may be causing all sorts of reproductive problems in the women.

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Occupy My Heart

Occupy My Heart

by guest blogger Joan Gussow. “It isn’t working.” That’s the message. Bubbling up through the torrents of words that seek to “explain” the Occupy phenomenon is a message that has moved my 83-year-old heart: “It just isn’t working.”

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Who Is Your Farmer?

Who Is Your Farmer?

by guest blogger Alberto Gonzalez. This is a fundamental question that, in an ideal world, we’d all be able to answer. I talked with organic dairy farmers, the Hardys, to find out what it means to be a farmer today and why it’s important to know where your food comes from.

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As The World Burns

As The World Burns

A new UN report on global warming gases that was buried on my Yahoo home page should be a wake-up call for us all.

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Got Dirt? Give Thanks

Got Dirt? Give Thanks

Thanksgiving dinner is a rare American meal, and not just because it’s an annual event celebrated with family and friends, but also because this day of gratitude tends to spin off the yummiest leftovers, so thankfully little ends up as food scraps.

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Why Choose Organic When It's Not Food?

Why Choose Organic
When It’s Not Food?

by guest blogger Jeroen Koeman, of EcoTulips. Until three years ago, I thought that growing with chemicals was “normal” and that it was the only way to farm. I can say now that I was quite brainwashed and did not realize the dangers of pesticides.

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