Tag Archives | friendship

You Never Forget Your High School Love

You Never Forget Your High School Love

by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger “Love each other dearly always. There is scarcely anything else in the world but that: to love one another.” —Victor Hugo, Les Misérables Well, thanks Victor. That sounds easy, but it often feels like we never remember to do it until something horrifying reminds us to do […]

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Sisterhood for Sale

Sisterhood for Sale

by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger I don’t know much, but I’m pretty sure the only thing more annoying than The New York Times’ Sunday Styles feature titled “Ladies of the Lanyards” will be the letters and emails the Times prints next week in support of it. In case you missed, it, I’ll […]

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Ode to Betty

Ode to Betty

I knew it was going to happen one day. But it was a day I was dreading. And that day has come. People often ask me how I do it all. After reeling internally from the fact that I don’t think I am doing it all at all, I usually say something like “with lots […]

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