Tag Archives | Maya Rodale

How a Romance Novelist Celebrates Valentine’s Day

How a Romance Novelist Celebrates Valentine’s Day

by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels My husband and I celebrate Valentine’s Day every February 15th. No, that’s not a typo. While the world celebrates LOVE!!!, we go about our day—doing chores, going to work, walking the dog, emptying the dishwasher, and so forth. And then, when all the […]

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Romance Novels 101: The Infamous Book List That Changed My Life

Romance Novels 101: The Infamous Book List That Changed My Life

by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels When my mother insisted that I, the snobby academic, read romance novels, I demanded a syllabus to get me started (after I laughed at the ridiculous notion). If I was going to study the genre, I was going to do it properly. Of […]

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The Most Powerful Word in the English Language: Hope

The Most Powerful Word in the English Language: Hope

by guest blogger Jennifer Probst, author of sexy and erotic contemporary romance I remember I was hanging with my family one afternoon, and we were going around the table asking about our favorite (and least favorite) words. Of course, every time my family gets together there’s a lot of food, there’s wine, there are laughs, […]

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You Say You Want a Revolution

You Say You Want a Revolution

by guest blogger Megan Mulry, writer of sexy, stylish romantic fiction “It is plain that a life which includes deep resentment leads only to futility and unhappiness.” —Alcoholics Anonymous I spend a lot of my emotional, mental, and creative energy at the intersection of acceptance and resentment. Obviously, what this AA quote states are universal […]

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Why I Read Romance Novels

Why I Read Romance Novels

by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels I started reading romance novels in college at my mother’s insistence (long-ish story). As a student of women’s literature, she declared that I couldn’t legitimately receive such a degree without reading the most popular and profitable books by women, for women, about women. […]

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2014's Best Books for Women

2014’s Best Books for Women

by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels My goal this year was to read 100 books, including everything on my to-be-read (TBR) shelf and all those books I’d bought and forgotten about on my e-reader. Ha! Snort. Like that happened. I blame the people publishing all the amazing books I […]

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3 Books about What Life Feels like for Girls

3 Books about What Life Feels like for Girls

by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels When I was in college, I decided that I would only study what interested me, not what would clearly lead to a job. So I took classes in women’s studies, literature, and history…and ended up writing historical novels about women’s lives. Years later, […]

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I Almost Quit Writing; This Book Is Why I Didn't

I Almost Quit Writing; This Book Is Why I Didn’t

 by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels Earlier this year, I almost quit writing. The hours are endless, the pay is wildly unpredictable, and writing emotionally driven books is draining. So in pursuit of a new career, I took classes, applied for jobs, and imagined a life without deadlines. But […]

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