Tag Archives | Romance

The Importance of Word Choice

The Importance of Word Choice

by guest blogger Katharine Ashe, best-selling author of historical romance novels Penis. (I do have a point here.) Sometimes when I’m grading a student’s paper and I find a misused word, I circle it and write “Word Choice.” There is, of course, a lot more to choosing the right word than dictionary definitions. Especially when […]

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We've Come a Long Way, Baby...Haven't We?

We’ve Come a Long Way, Baby…Haven’t We?

by guest blogger Katharine Ashe, best-selling author of historical romance novels We in the modern era did not invent the female orgasm. We didn’t invent sex, either. I bet you’re thinking, “Duh.” Because, well, duh. But when people learn that I’m a professor of medieval history, they say the darnedest things. And when I tell […]

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How a Romance Novelist Celebrates Valentine’s Day

How a Romance Novelist Celebrates Valentine’s Day

by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels My husband and I celebrate Valentine’s Day every February 15th. No, that’s not a typo. While the world celebrates LOVE!!!, we go about our day—doing chores, going to work, walking the dog, emptying the dishwasher, and so forth. And then, when all the […]

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Maria's 5 Favorites: Get Ready for Romance!

Maria’s 5 Favorites: Get Ready for Romance!

Valentine’s Day is almost here, which means that romance is in the air! As a romance novel reader (and the mother of a romance novelist!), I can’t let this holiday go by without celebrating the passion of love and life. That’s why this week I’ve chosen to highlight five organic, sustainable, and simply beautiful items […]

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10 Things I Learned from Reading Romance Novels

10 Things I Learned from Reading Romance Novels

From the very first lines of the very first romance novel I ever read in 1977 (Shanna, by Kathleen E. Woodiwiss), I was hooked: “Night gripped the city with cold, misty darkness… The miserable night masked the passage of a carriage that careened through the narrow streets as if it fled from some terrible disaster.” […]

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I Almost Quit Writing; This Book Is Why I Didn't

I Almost Quit Writing; This Book Is Why I Didn’t

 by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels Earlier this year, I almost quit writing. The hours are endless, the pay is wildly unpredictable, and writing emotionally driven books is draining. So in pursuit of a new career, I took classes, applied for jobs, and imagined a life without deadlines. But […]

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Love Is Dangerous...Still

Love Is Dangerous…Still

The other weekend the Sunday New York Times Book Review had its annual summer reading issue. Now, it’s not like I need any more books to read, since I already have around 50 on my reading pile (almost all nonfiction, which is what I prefer reading these days), so I wasn’t looking for anything special, […]

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7 Things I Learned about Life from Romance Novels

7 Things I Learned about Life from Romance Novels

by guest blogger Maya Rodale, writer of historical tales of true love and adventure In days of yore, there was a tremendous fear that young, impressionable youths would be corrupted by what they read in novels. An 18th-century conduct book warned against reading novels because they “raise expectations of extraordinary adventures and cause readers to admire […]

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