Tag Archives | tips

10 Ways to Never Be Bored Again

10 Ways to Never Be Bored Again

I have a friend who gets bored easily. I was bored once for about five minutes in 2011. I remember it well. I was home alone, and for a minute I felt a feeling I couldn’t identify. By the time I did figure out it was boredom it was almost gone. Of course, if you […]

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5 Tips for a Fabulous New Year

5 Tips for a Fabulous New Year

I love the start of a new year. It’s like pressing the reset button—a clean slate and all that. Each New Year, I feel like I’ve learned more, rid myself of more bad habits, and gained better insights into what makes life good and fun. I’m an avid resolution maker, but this post isn’t about […]

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10 Tips for Those Who Dare to Be Alone

10 Tips for Those Who Dare to Be Alone

I’m sure many of you already saw or heard reports about the recent study that a majority of people would rather give themselves an electric shock than spend 15 minutes alone in a room. More men than women would shock themselves, but still, there are a lot of people who’d rather feel pain than be […]

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