If you are at all curious about what is happening in my household lately, you only really need to know two words: Alexander Hamilton. We have been Hamiltoned. My daughter and son-in-law saw the show the third night of its run, and it was all she could talk about for months. For her birthday, I […]

OK, Hamilton…

My Bette Midler Playlist—Top 10 Classics
To accompany My Bette Midler Story, I thought it would be nice to put together a playlist of my favorite Bette Midler songs. Many of you, I’m sure, know her biggest hits like The Wind Beneath My Wings, The Rose, and From a Distance. But this list is of her original classics—songs that feel like […]

My Bette Midler Story
Some of you who follow me on social media may have seen a picture or two of me with Bette Midler and wondered, How did that happen? How did she get to meet Bette? Well, it’s a long story—a story that begins and ends with love—and I’m about to share it with you…. I was […]

Björk at the MoMA—Music as Art
Anyone who reads this blog regularly knows I’m a music lover. But Icelandic singer-songwriter Björk holds a special place in my heart—admittedly a place I’d forgotten about for a while until recently viewing her “show” at the MoMA (showing through June 7). I really wanted to go the Björk sound and video installation because while […]

My Christmas Playlist
My Christmas Playlist As you know, we love music in our house. And Christmas is a time when all our quirky genres get festive together in a happy family mix of wonderfulness. Happy, music-filled holidays! 1. Christmas Time Is Here/Vince Guaraldi Trio My little one is learning this one in school, so her little voice […]

An Autumn Walk in the City Playlist
This playlist might seem a bit New York City centered, but that’s because it’s where I walk. It’s mellow, even a bit melancholy, since autumn and winter are moody times for me. But it’s also filled with happy memories that remind me of happy times. I could walk miles and miles listening to this music. […]

Some Favorite Music Revisited
Photo: (cc) Alive87/Flickr, license from Creative Commons 2.0 Last week we honored the sixth birthday of Maria’s farm Country Kitchen with a couple of old favorites from the kitchen. Today, I’d like to bring it back to music. But instead of reposting my favorite music blogs in their entirety, I’ve put together playlists of all […]

Fourth of July Playlist
This list is dedicated to Tim Howard, who showed the world what being a goalie is all about. What does that have to do with the 4th of July? Nothing except timing. What does Tim Howard have to do with music? Nothing. Although I do sort of feel about him the way I feel about […]
Raised on America’s first organic farm, Scratch author Maria Rodale learned how to make everyday favorites from, yes, scratch — the way you remember them; the way they turn out best.
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Organic Manifesto
Drawing on findings from leading health researchers as well as conversations with both chemical and organic farmers from coast to coast, Maria Rodale irrefutably outlines the unacceptably high cost of chemical farming on our health and our environment.
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