Tag Archives | motherhood

The Mathematics of Work-Life-Travel Balance

The Mathematics of Work-Life-Travel Balance

by guest blogger Andeep Singh, documentarian and television and Web video producer It seemed like a really smart idea. In fact, the math was so easy that it practically solved itself. 1 work trip to the Bahamas + 1 husband + 1 kid = The perfect combination of business and pleasure. Work meets the family vacation. […]

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On Sisterhood, Stretch Marks and Scars

On Sisterhood, Stretch Marks and Scars

by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger When I was 16 years old, I had major surgery on my kidneys, which left me with an enormous, obvious scar. It starts in the middle of my back and winds around my waist to my abdomen. There were no fade creams in 1975; I applied cocoa […]

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Leave the Baby, Take the Popcorn

Leave the Baby, Take the Popcorn

by guest blogger Renee James, humorist and blogger Let me start by saying I had no idea. But when I googled “mommy taking baby to movies,” the search returned 240,000,000 results. (Fun Fact: When I googled “mommy reading to baby,” I got 23,500,000 hits. Shall I go on?) Why would I google “mommy taking baby […]

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Why Pregnant Women Should Make Avoiding Environmental Toxins a Priority

Why Pregnant Women Should Make Avoiding Environmental Toxins a Priority

by guest blogger Deirdre Imus, author and environmental health advocate Pregnant women are advised to do—and not do—many things over the course of nine months. Whether the advice is from a physician, a friend, or a perfect stranger, there’s no shortage of opinions on eating fish, taking supplements, drinking caffeine, exercising, or preserving the placenta, […]

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Top 5 Things Every Mother Needs to Know for Mother's Day

Top 5 Things Every Mother Needs to Know for Mother’s Day

Last week, I was fortunate enough to discover a blog written by my oldest daughter listing 13 things she’s learned from me. It warmed my heart to read her thoughts. I was glad to see she never said I was perfect, because, lord knows, no mother is perfect. But I thought I could impart my […]

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13 Things I Learned from My Mom

13 Things I Learned from My Mom

by guest blogger Maya Rodale, author of smart and sassy romance novels My mom and I don’t always agree (especially on the subjects of makeup, heel height, and when to see a doctor) but she’s imparted many excellent bits of wisdom and life advice that have served me well. In honor of Mother’s Day (coming […]

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The Kind Mama

The Kind Mama

by guest blogger Alicia Silverstone, actress, author, and activist Back in 2009, I published my first book, The Kind Diet, in which I shared everything I know about the healing power of a plant-based, or “kind,” diet. I’m proud to say that since that book came out, I’ve heard from countless readers whose lives have […]

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The Year Reality Knocked

The Year Reality Knocked

by guest blogger Renee James, essayist and blogger For every mother (and father) out there who has just wrapped up the back-to-school ritual, I offer the following, with great affection. It took me many, many years, but somewhere along the line, I think I finally figured out this whole “start the school year right” thing. […]

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