Tag Archives | Organic Dresses

Dresses and Shirts with Pockets - Ethical Fashion

Maria’s Five Favorites: Out with the Old, In with the Pockets

Now’s the time to clean out your closet and resupply it with shirts, dresses, and skirts that have pockets! I love clothing with pockets. (And when it comes to aprons, I want a lot of them!) I always look for pockets when shopping because I like simplifying, and who doesn’t love a good dress that […]

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Maria’s Five Favorites: Dressing Up!

Maria’s Five Favorites: Dressing Up!

‘Tis the season to get dressy! And here are five of my favorite earth-friendly dresses. They will have you looking and feeling fabulous through the holidays and beyond… 1. Yolanda Glam Maxi Dress. Perfect for the hostess, this dress made from sustainable materials features a scoop neck and ¾ sleeves that keep hands free to […]

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