Tag Archives | vegetables

Summer Challenge: Add 1 More Vegetable to Each Meal!

Summer Challenge: Add 1 More Vegetable to Each Meal!

Without being specific, it’s safe to say that eating more vegetables is a good thing. And yet, according to the most recent U.S. Department of Agriculture report, vegetable consumption in America is down by 27 pounds per person per year. That’s A LOT of vegetables! So even with the rise of the foodie culture, farmer’s […]

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A Year Without a Garden

A Year Without a Garden

Here’s something I love about Rodale Inc. Last month, when we had an all-employee meeting where we asked employees to submit questions to me and other Rodale executives—anonymously, of course!—this was one of the questions I received: In one of your final “Maria’s View” articles for Organic Gardening, you wrote you were going to leave your […]

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The Magical World of Gardening

The Magical World of Gardening

Do you want your kids to eat vegetables? Plant a garden with them. Do you want to heal the heart of a struggling teenager? Plant a garden with her. Do you want to bring a community together and restore their dignity and faith? Plant a garden with them. How do I know this? Recently, I […]

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The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Vegetable Cookbook + A Tomato Tart Recipe

The Beekman 1802 Heirloom Vegetable Cookbook + A Tomato Tart Recipe

by guest bloggers Brent Ridge and Josh Kilmer-Purcell, The Beekman Boys One warm summer day, a family with a 4-year-old came to visit us at Beekman Farm. As we walked around the heirloom vegetable garden—52 raised beds on a half-acre plot at the heart of the farm—the child became fascinated with pulling carrots out of […]

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How to Eat Vegetables

How to Eat Vegetables

by guest blogger Maya Rodale. We all know we should eat our vegetables. But I realized something the other day: We don’t always know how. If you didn’t grow up experiencing food in different states of being, food can be mysterious and possibly scary. I know that potatoes come with dirt on them and it’s OK. I know that most fruits and vegetables can come in “weird” shapes—only because they grew next to a branch or something—and they’re still perfectly delicious.

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Start Your Own Modern Homestead

Start Your Own Modern Homestead

by guest blogger Robyn Jasko. It’s time to redefine the modern homestead. There are so many simple ways we can start growing our own food. And you don’t have to have a huge patch of land, own a tractor, or spend a ton of time or money to get growing. Here are five simple ways to get started

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Brussels Sprouts That Will Blow Your Mind

Brussels Sprouts That Will Blow Your Mind

I used to hate brussels sprouts. In fact, I once went to bed without any dinner because I tried to hide them in my water glass, and then I tried to feed them to the dog—who wouldn’t eat them either. Well obviously, my mother just didn’t know how to cook them right. Because now it’s […]

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How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Vegetables

How to Get Your Kids to Eat More Vegetables

I’ve met a few kids in my time who have never had more vegetables than a carrot stick and, if they had to guess what an artichoke is, would say it’s a karate move. But not my kids, of course. They eat their vegetables all the time. At least sometimes. I mean, they all go […]

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