12 Days of Winter Meditations: Day 10


Reflection: Remembering

Our memories of the previous year are like reflections in a window: layered, evocative, imagined, and unsteady. But it’s good to remember. As the year comes to a close, take time to reflect on what you learned this past year. What did you accomplish? Celebrate it! What did you not accomplish? Let it go! What surprised you? Make a note of it. What disappointed you? Forget about it.

I regard the next few days as my most spiritual holiday of the year—it’s about doing the work to realize what I learned this year and what I need to learn next year. It’s about remembering who I am and who I want to be. And it’s a reminder that each day, each year, is a chance to start over again.


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One Response to 12 Days of Winter Meditations: Day 10

  1. Alice Green December 30, 2013 at 7:05 am #

    Yes, having another chance!! What a precious gift!

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